CrazyBob's Cops and Robbers Wiki
CrazyBob's Cops and Robbers Wiki

These commands are used to control various options within CnR.

/canims, /aoff

Turns off animations while at spawn screen

/changepassword, /changepass

Changes your in-game password.

/clearost, /clrost, /cs

Clears on-screen text

/display, /disp

Shows available display modes and sets your current display mode (Speedometer / Clock) (Menu). Your display mode is saved if you are registered.

/displayost, /ost, /dispost

Displays on-screen text

/deathmsg, /dmon, /dmoff

Turns Chat Death Message Display On or Off. Default = OFF (On = All Deaths will be displayed in the Chat) Use F9 to turn On Screen Death Messages On / Off

/gender, /gend

Shows available genders or sets your current gender (Menu)

/gtamenu, /menus

Turns off texdraw menus and switches to the old text-in-chat system. Enter this command again to reverse the option

/helpmsg, /hmon, /hmoff

Turns Help Messages On or Off. Default = ON (Off = Extra Help messages with not be displayed in the Chat)

/joinmsg, /partmsg

Turns join messages on or off. Default = ON


Display OST settings menu

/settings, /options, /set

Shows and Adjusts different In-Game Options, such as Gender, Display Mode, Death Messages and Help Messages

/skill, /skl

Lets you change your skill when you pick a different skin

/tdsettings, /tdoptions, /tdset

Shows the text-draw settings


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